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I started the base shape by sweeping a circle polygon along another circle to make this torus. Now, I know what you might have been thinking...why not use the torus node directly!? right??

I did not use the Torus node because the sweep node intuitively has the UV's calculated within so that I can use the UV's to interpolate the point attribute and reshape it with the help of VEXpression below.

A mask on the edges so that small noise can be applied on on them for more organic looking growth.

Using the ends node to retrieve the edges of the shape for scattering points to calculate shortest distance along geometry for their gills.

Shortest distance calculated, fused the overlapping points ad resampled for smoother curves.

I used vdb from particles to create volume around those points so that I can smooth them out using smooth sdf. I later converted the volume back to polygon and remeshed it for this look.

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